Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NaNo Day 3 and already behind

Three days into NaNoWrimo,  and I am already behind, but at least I am off to a good start on the new novel.  The last three days,  have not been spent focusing on pending projects, or even NaNoWriMo, Actually,  all the writing I have gotten done for my project was done on the bus between Vancouver, Canada and Portland, Oregon. 
So, what have I gotten done,  Well I complete the first of the Expose stories and I have decided how I am going to go about working on this project.  I am going to loosely follow my time from UPL to The Inn.  The story will follow the character as she studies for the Bar,  and deals with crazy guest, and crazier shifts,  this will set the time line,  then each chapter will be a story in itself, basically telling what happened with a guest or set of guests.  
Questions I have not answered, is if I want to name anyone in the book.  Can you write a whole book with no names?  The book is told from a single person perspective, in first person present tense.  We never see anything other than the story tellers view of the world.  And I have not named her,  but do other characters need names,  with the first chapter and story done,  I have been able to not name any one,  but I will have to see if this can work throughout the book:
The first couple of guest, were straight forward check outs, housekeeping finally arrived, and I gave them the list of rooms that needed to be cleaned. I also told them about room 168.  Some of the back office staff arrived and I had a second to grab breakfast and a cup of coffee.  30 minutes later, I return to the desk and a very angry man is standing palms on the counter leaning forward spit fling out of his mouth, greasy black and gray hair plastered to his head, he looked like a rabid raccoon. 
“But you have to let me into the room.  My stuff is in “there.”
“Sir, like a said before, I cannot let you into room 168, your name was not added to the registration, and the name you gave does not match the name of the person that was staying in that room.” 
“But I stayed there last night with this girl, but she got sick and had to go to the hospital.  Now, all my shit is in there.  I need my stuff.” He yells, slamming his now balled up fist down on the counter. 
“Sir if you do not quite down, I am going to have to call campus security.”
“Bitch I will not quite down until you give me, my stuff.” 
Stepping forward, I decide to try and defuse the situation or at least give the other agent a break from his man’s temper tantrum  “Hello Sir.  Maybe I can help.”
I think the no names is working but we will have to see.
Now in regards, to my editing of Cave City I have not gotten to even one page, which is partially due to the fact that I forgot to bring it with me to Vancouver.  But mostly because, I was just having too much fun to work. 
But I have done a little bit of planning on how I am going to edit Cave City.  I have decided that I am going, retype the book as I do the editing.  I started doing Close Corp this way,  and like the process.  However,  it can lead to creating new typos.  But this current edit,  is not going to be that kind of topographical editing.  I also decided that I am going to be working mostly, and the character and world building aspects of the edit.  What this means,  is I need to write a character synopsis for each character in the book,  which describes,  what the character looks like,  what traits they have and their arc through out the story,  to make sure the are well developed. 
I also need to work on the world building.  Currently I have Cave city divided which it is, but I need to make these division more distinctive,  I need ot develop,  more authoritarian structure,  by showing how the beauty of the city has been covered up, but also in the presence of guards,  and gates and controls.  It needs to be less free moving in the main parts of the Cave which would explain why people use secret tunnels. 
These are two very large editing focuses that I can weave throughout the book. 
Finally,  I did not get to finishing my three October project so they are still on my desk.  I am planning on slowly working on each of them throughout November. 
Unfinished projects:       3
Word Count:                      4491
Words edited:                   0  

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