Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New York and Writing Madly

One week in New York City.  I can't believe I have been here a week already.  Time seems to be on fast forward.  I'm someone that tends to get more done in a day than most people but lately I seem to finish each day with more to do than I started with.   Funny I came to New York to practice law but find that I'm writing more than ever before.

Since arriving in New York, I have spent hours walking around the city.  I have talked to numerous people, attend a networking event and interviews all focused on practice law.  Strange that each event lead to me have more writing projects. 

This week I have agreed to write a 7000 word book for a bible study group.  Started 10,000 world e-book for a running website on frequent running injuries, that covers treatment and prevention.  I have written 8 commercial articles ranging from what type of dog food should you give your puppy to a press release for a new motorcycle.  Additionally, I have started another short story,  about love, life and loss.  The thing that makes me smile is once I have finished each of these project the total of what I earn will cover the cost of my stay at The Local NYC. 

However, the thing I think is the most interesting is my renewed passion for writing.  I have been writing everyday even on days I spend hours wandering the city.  I have even signed up for a couple of writing groups in New York and will be attending a publishing workshop tomorrow evening. 

So I moved to New York to focus on law only to find myself becoming even more of a writer than before.  

And to give you an expert of my love story (psst Jaquelle this one's for you)

This year has been anything but happy, or sad, or boring it was life as life is meant to be, hard, fast and heart breakingly funny.  Love is like that it comes at you from everywhere and nowhere.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.  Where should I begin, at the end, the beginning; no I’ll start where my heart started in the middle. 

I first saw her in the fall. She walked into my world like a jumble of electricity searching for a place to go. She was funny, smart, and annoying but, I couldn’t get her sea-green eye out of my mind, for days after we first meet. She was my mad mermaid, with her long brown hair that floated down past her shoulders to her liquid movements that drew my eye.  She was a shock to my system.  Even her name was unique Jacquelle.  


I noticed her standing at the water’s edge, waves of the river brushing the girl’s toes that curled into the sand. She was a magnet that I couldn’t look away from. The girl spotted me staring in her direction.  “Hey… Ginger.  What are you staring at?” She asked her brows curling in. 

“Oh, Sorry.  I was surprised that anyone was down here.  Most people avoid the river.” 

“Ah, well, I always wanted to become a mutant.  So the river doesn’t scare me, never has.  What’s your name?”

Laughing I realized she must be a true Oregonian “I’m Gigi.  What’s your name?”

“Jacquelle.  But my friends call my Jac.  What are you doing down here?”

“Me nothing…taking a break?”

“Sounds like you are hiding.”  Jac says as she walks over and flops down on the blanket next to me.  I hear my sunglasses crack.  “Oops sorry.”

Taking the mangled glasses, “Oh, it no problem.  They’re just cheapies.  But I’m not hiding.  I just wanted to be by the water; it relaxes me.  I couldn’t get to the ocean.  The river is the next best thing.  What are you doing down here?”

“Oh me. Well, I was contemplating how hard it would be to swim to the other side.  That is where I left my bike.”  She leans back on the blanket stretching out. 

“I don’t think swimming across the river is safe. The central part has marine traffic you could get hit by a boat.  Also, the current at the center of the river is pretty rapid.”  

“I was just considering it.” Jac says sitting up. “It’s not like, I would actually swim across the river.  So what are you hiding from?”

“I said I wasn’t hiding.”

“Really! Thou dust protest too much.” Jac replies her sea-green eyes lighting up like a mischievous imp. 

“Ok…I’m hiding from my Ex, my job, and my life.”

“Well, that does sound stressful.  Why don’t you just  go home?  Unless you live with your ex.”

“No. But…my job is my home.  I manage the apartment complex I live in.  Currently, my ex is volunteering for one of my commercial tenants so he has access to the building.”

“Well, that certainly complicates things.  You should get a restraining order against him.”

“I know.”  Gigi responds with a sigh. 

“Well, I have to get my bike. Want to come with me?  It’s better than sitting here by yourself.”

“Yes, I would.  But let’s go over the Steel Bridge.  I don’t feel like swimming today.”

That’s how I met the love of my life....but as I said that is the middle of my love story. 

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