But what is winning? Is it meeting the goal of writing 50,000 words in a month; is it finishing the novel; is it meeting what every goal you set for yourself. I think that all of the above can be considered wining NaNo.
This year, I will take my 50k, and walk away happy and disappointed. Happy that I have recommitted to writing. Disappointed that I did not met my individual goals. But hey, I Still have a whole weekend off, and now work in site, so I could just pull one out of the air and even meet that goal.
So for all, those NaNoer's out there be proud of what you accomplished, and realize that the end is not here. If you have not met your goal yet don't give up, just keep working to the end of November and hopefully beyond.
Another thing, this week as brought to my attention, is the need for a writing group. They are great to bounce ideas around, see a hole in your story you may have missed, encouraged you after you mercilessly killed off a beloved character, or want to kill a character because they just won't do what you want. So this has lead me to the idea of Keeping the Floyd's writing group going.
I have also realized in the last week, no matter how much you may want to write one story, if it is not happening it is better to write the one at hand. What does that mean, Well last week I was very disappointed that my satire comedy, had taken on a serious tone. This week I realize that adding that seriousness has created drama for my main character, and made her more interesting then just the crazy coffee drinking stressed out front desk agent, she has meat on her bones so to speak.
Excerpt Rough Draft The Red Book Expose
“Excuse me, are you working?”
“Oh, sorry for the wait.
Sir. How can I help you?”
“Well, I have a reservation, and I need to check into the
“I’ll need picture ID and a credit card.” The man sighs , tired weary, but even after that he has clean Baldwin good looks, but with out the smile or jokester spark that really makes me like the brothers. He slides the cards across the counter. “Any day now, its not like this job takes a rocket scientist.”
“No, sir it does not.” I respond taking the id. Pulling up his reservation, I groan to myself, “Well Sir. Apparently you made the reservation for tomorrow as your check in date.”
“Well, it’s unlikely a place like this is sold out. Just fix it. Or, are you too incompetent to do anything with out written instructions.”
Looking at the man in front of me, his smug condescending smile spreads across his face like he has me beat or trapped. Without hesitation or thought every word that I have wanted to say comes spewing out of me like projectile word vomit. “Well, Sir Maybe I am on the unparalleled level, of incompetent. You see its not like I have a college degree or my Masters degree or even a law degrees. No its not like I just failed the bar, after three years, of law school, and 125,000 dollars in student loans, months of studying. Yes, I am a retarded, fuck-up, an imbecilic of the highest origins, who can not possible have the skills or know how to do anything in this world.
Like seeing you don’t have a reservation for tonight. And that we are in fact, sold out. Yep, this run down, stuck in the 70’s flash back hotel and I are clearly well below you, in every way. So see, I cant just check you in and fix it. Because I am such a lazy, incompetent, rude person, that I want to mess up everyone else life, just so they can be down in the muck with me…
The man starts to back away staring at me like I am a lunatic. Finally when he is about three feet from the door he turns and runs.
From the other end of the Lobby, “Well, did you really need to terrify the poor man. He just wanted a room for the night.”
Spinning around with homicide on my mind, I see my favorite
guest, “Oh you heard all that. Sorry?”
Laughing, “Melt down
much? But he did deserve it. Do you have any more of those coffee
“Yeah, I do. And thanks.”
Nothing on my editing because it has been like prying a corpse from the frozen tundra of my mind.
Unfinished projects 3
Word Count 41666
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