So it is the Friday before NaNo. I have read the forums, posted my book description and even sort of made a cover. So with an idea and a goal, I guess I am considered a panster, ie someone that writes by the seat of their pants, which is not new for me. That is just the way I roll.
In NaNo there are two main types of writers, the planners and the non planers. If you are a planner you may have spent the last month outlining the book you are going to write, working on character development and world building, and even have a pretty decent outline of each chapter. Part of me feels this goes against the idea of sitting down and writing a 50,000 word novel in one month. I wonder how one determines which words will count towards the 50.000 goal and which words will not count. If you have written an outline, introduction, plot, and synopsis you have a good start on your novel but does this then tie you down, and stop you from taking creative flights of fancy, which is the heart of NaNo.
The other type of writer, may come up with an idea. Something like I am going to write about dogs in space. Then on the 1st they sit down and start writing about dogs in space. I am one of these writers, NaNo is all about the my flights of fancy. Yes this may lead to bad plot decisions, like the one I made last NaNo, where I had the protagonists long lost Aunt swoon over her niece and how much she looked and acted like her dead brother, then in the next paragraph basically sentence her to death. Yep a gapping, chasm of a plot hole. But I still finished my 50,000 words in November. It was not until I went back and was reading the story that I noticed what I had done.
So after last years fiasco one would think I would change writing camps, my response: Hells No. So here is to jumping off the literary bridge, and hoping the bounce is at least fun, if not exhilarating.
While the planners have been planning, plotting and outlining I have been frantically trying to get other projects finished or at least to a good stopping point. With just 24 hours to go even that goal is looking like a long shot. It looks like NaNo might just be bumpier than I had planned for.
Unfinished projects= 3
Word Count= 0
Edit count= 0
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