National Novel Writing Month begins on November 1
st; this
will be the second time I am going to be taking this adventure. But
before I can start a new project, I have to clear my desk of currently pending
projects and that is no small feat.
Currently I have four active projects on my desk.
The first is fine-tuning the hard copy of my
first novel “The One Percent.” I thought
I would easily finish this project this month, but after receiving my proof and
having a couple of people read through the copy, I have realized that there were
a number of changes that need to be made.
Some of them I have already made. Now I am waiting on receiving the
proof back, to determine which if any of the proposed edits I want to keep.
So this project
is waiting on me waiting.
If I do not
finish it in October, it will not eat away too much time in November.
The next project is a re-write of my next novel, “Close Corp” this is the
follow up to “One Percent,” orinally it was the second half of the first book
but who wants to read a 700 page book.
So I cut it into two pieces.
Going into this re-write, I knew that major changes would be made.
I saw what I had as a rough outline of where
I wanted the story to go, but what has happened is a change in course that
moves the books in a very interesting direction down my original path but in a
very different way.
This process is
coming in bits and pieces. Currently, what I have seems to be a puzzle that
is almost complete, I have one piece left but it just will not fit where it
As I read and re-read what I have,
it just feels off.
So for the next week,
I will spend a good amount of time beating my head against that wall.
I cannot wait to see what I get done, but
maybe putting it away for a month will be a good idea.
The next project I am working on is a novel called “The Veil,” this novel is a
delusion wrapped in a hallucinatory nightmare that questions what is reality
and insanity.
It has been very fun to
plan out the book, and how I am going to tell a story that takes place in three relative
times simultaneously.
I have the outline
done and have a number of ideas how I am going to tell the story. Now I need to
spend a couple of days and flush it out completely.
Looking at my list, I can hear the clock
ticking faster and faster.
The final project that I am actively working on is a novel that I began last
year during NaNoWriMo.
I have the first
draft, I have revised the first draft, which I had a friend read and edit. N
ow I am sitting on those edits and ideas on how to improve the novel.
So, as I sit here looking at this list of projects.
I ask myself why I am taking on a new project.
What purpose will it serve?
And do I have the time?
Looking back over the last 18 months of
writing and re-writing and editing, one comment has stuck with me: I tend to write
only beautiful people, and always from the perspective of what that character in the
best light would be.
Looking back on this I
see this as a major flaw in my writing and harmful to character
Though it might take me away from my current work, if I am able to accomplish this challenge it will only improve my other projects.
The challenge of this next project is not to write a novel that will be read by
people, or even ever finished.
It is a
writing project to see if I can write about people at their worst, ugliest, and
If I am able to do this, then
I will write better characters in all my work.
So do I have the time to undertake a project
that has no future but a writing exploration?
I feel that I have to make the time for these types of projects, if I want to
move beyond being an armature author, to something better.
Though writing is an art form, it is also a
skill that can be honed and developed. I believe that an author does not take the time
to work on: developing new writing skills, work on subjects that might not come naturally to them, and push their limits, will become stagnate and worse
With this in mind, I am using NaNoWriMo as a developmental tool, so for the
next month I will focus on developing a different writing styles, and writing
different types of characters.
this is the task I have set out, I will be stepping away from my normal genre
of Sci-Fi dystopian novels with strong female leads, and write about real
In addition, I will be blogging
about how this process is going, and what I am taking away from the process. I will
post excerpts of what I am working on, as well as updates on if I am making
my word counts.
Hopefully people with tell me just how much it sucks, so I can make improvements.
I am also going to take this NaNoWriMo one step further,
not only will I focus on writing the Red Book
I will work on editing Cave City
last year’s bounty from NaNoWriMo.
first, let’s see if I can clear my desk of Project 1, 2, and 3.
Here I go; it is going to be a long, fast, and hard November.